Fellowship In Christ-Content

Fellowship In Christ-Content

“Equip Christians to trust God’s word as the only source of spiritual maturity and fellowship (*koinonia) in Christ.”

Session 1-Vision, Mission, Ministry: Week 1

Session 2-Biblical Authority: Week 2 – 3

Session 3-Why We Need a Savior: Week 4 – 5

Session 4-Amazing Grace: Week 6 – 7

Session 5-Biblical Obedience: Week 8 – 9

Session 6-Transformed Minds: Week 10

Session 7-Biblical Worship: Week 11- 12

Session 8-Heaven My Home: Week 13

*Definition of koinonia

1: the Christian fellowship or body of believers

2: intimate spiritual communion and participative sharing in a common religious commitment and spiritual community

the koinonia of the disciples with each other and with their Lord
